Fornasetti chair
M28X 244
Fornasetti chair
M28X 245
Fornasetti chair
M28X 246
Fornasetti chair
M28X 249
Fornasetti chair
M28X 250
Fornasetti chair
M28X 251
Fornasetti chair
M28X 252
Fornasetti chair
M28X 254
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 012
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 013
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 246
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 247
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 254
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 255
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 256
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 369
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 370
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 412
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 500
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 501
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 504
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 505
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 506
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 510
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 515
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 516
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 519
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 523
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 550
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 551
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 600
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 601
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 602
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 603
Fornasetti chair
M28Y 604
Fornasetti chair
M28Z 251
Fornasetti chair
M28Z 252
Fornasetti chair
M28Z 260
Fornasetti chair
M28Z 263
Fornasetti chair
M28Z 501
Fornasetti Fornasetti Fornasetti Fornasetti Fornasetti
Fornasetti Fornasetti
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10417
Vase Capitello black/white
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10426
Vase Occhio per occhio black/white
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10480
Vase Burlone black/white
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10481
Vase Pirata black/white/gold
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10482
Vase Clown black/white/gold
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10483
Vase Ajna black/white/gold
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10485
Vase Pensee colour/red
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10524
Vase Rigato serratura black/white on black
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10525
Vase Rigato serratura black/white on red
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10526
Vase Antipatico craquelé black/white
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10527
Vase Buongiorno - Buonanotte craquelé black/white
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10528
Vase Antipatico black/white matt
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10529
Vase Buongiorno - Buonanotte black/white matt
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10532
Vase Furio black/white
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10535
Vase La femme aux moustaches black/white
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10538
Vase Piercing black/white
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10539
Vase Farfalle colour
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10540
Vase Paris Tour black/white/platinum
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10541
Vase Rossetti colour
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10542
Vase Viola colour
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10543
Vase Alla Finestra black/white
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10545
Vase Don Giovanni black/white
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10547
Vase Passata di pesci colour
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10548
Vase Bollywood black/white/gold
Fornasetti furnitureFOR-10550
Vase Melafisico colour
Fornasetti furnitureP23X381
Round ashtray Tema e Variazioni n°381 black/white
Fornasetti furnitureP23X392
Round ashtray Tema e Variazioni n°392 black/white
Fornasetti furnitureP23X393
Round ashtray Tema e Variazioni n°393 black/white
Fornasetti furnitureP23X394
Round ashtray Tema e Variazioni n°394 black/white
Fornasetti furnitureP23X396
Round ashtray Tema e Variazioni n°396 black/whit
Fornasetti furnitureP42X371
Rectangular tray Tema e Variazioni n°371 black/white
Fornasetti furnitureP42X392
Rectangular tray Tema e Variazioni n°392 black/white
Fornasetti furnitureGORO03
Wall clock Tema e Variazioni n°364
Fornasetti furnitureGORO04
Wall clock Tema e Variazioni n°364
Fornasetti furnitureC11Y701
Paper basket Peccato Orginale
Fornasetti furnitureC21Y701
Tray 25x60 Peccato Orginale
Fornasetti furnitureC10X010
Tray holder ø40 black wood
Fornasetti furnitureC10X011
Tray holder ø60 black wood
Fornasetti furnitureC10X001
Tray holder 25x60 black
Fornasetti furnitureC26X000
Tray ø40 Cortile black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC26X002
Tray ø40 Cortile black/white on black
Fornasetti furnitureC26X003
Tray ø40 Tema e Variazioni n°6 black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC26X004
Tray ø40 Occhio black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC26X010
Tray ø40 Tergonomico black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC26X181
Tray ø40 Palombara black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC26X182
Tray ø40 Don Giovanni black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC26X192
Tray ø40 Re Sole black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC26X193
Tray ø40 Tema e Variazioni n°1 black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC26X194
Tray ø40 Serratura black/white on red
Fornasetti furnitureC26X195
Tray ø40 Serratura black/white on black
Fornasetti furnitureC26X500
Tray ø40 Civette black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y005
Tray ø40 Bocca colour
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y008
Tray ø40 Ultime Notizie colour
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y009
Tray ø40 Ortensia colour
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y010
Tray ø40 Bee on my back
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y011
Tray ø40 Polipo colour/light blue
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y014
Tray ø40 Farfalle colour/white
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y210
Tray ø40 Malachite green
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y264
Tray ø40 Fossili ochre tones
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y300
Tray ø40 Gift Tema e Variazioni n°171 black/white/red
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y410
Tray ø40 Farfalle colour/black
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y500
Tray ø40 Civette colour/black
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y502
Tray ø40 Civette colour/white
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y560
Tray ø40 Rosa Fiocco Rosso colour
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y602
Tray ø40 Silviasub light blue/mask pink
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y603
Tray ø40 Coromandel colour/silver/blue
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y604
Tray ø40 Coromandel colour/silver/carmine red
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y700
Tray ø40 Marianne colour
Fornasetti furnitureC26Y800
Tray ø40 Fior di Lina colour
Fornasetti furnitureC26Z196
Tray ø40 Re Sole gold/black
Fornasetti furnitureC26Z197
Tray ø40 Re Sole gold/white
Fornasetti furnitureC26Z198
Tray ø40 Re Sole gold/red
Fornasetti furnitureC26Z199
Tray ø40 Emisfero gold/black
Fornasetti furnitureC26Z200
Tray ø40 Emisfero gold/red
Fornasetti furnitureC26Z201
Tray ø40 Polipo gold/red
Fornasetti furnitureC32X003
Tray ø60 Tema e Variazioni n°6 black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC32X004
Tray ø60 Occhio black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC32X020
Tray ø60 Tema e Variazioni n°36 black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC32X021
Tray ø60 Tema e Variazioni n°222 black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC32X022
Tray ø60 Tema e Variazioni n°1 black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC32X032
Tray ø60 Sole Raggiante black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC32X033
Tray ø60 Sole Splendente black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC32X114
Tray ø60 Egocentrismo black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC32X182
Tray ø60 Don Giovanni black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC32Y005
Tray ø60 Bocca colour
Fornasetti furnitureC32Y009
Tray ø60 Ortensia colour
Fornasetti furnitureC32Y010
Tray ø60 Polipo colour/light blue
Fornasetti furnitureC32Y011
Tray ø60 Città di Carte colour
Fornasetti furnitureC32Y014
Tray ø60 Farfalle colour/white
Fornasetti furnitureC32Y033
Tray ø60 Sole Splendente colour/yellow
Fornasetti furnitureC32Y102
Tray ø60 Green Malachite
Fornasetti furnitureC32Y411
Tray ø60 Farfalle colour/ivory
Fornasetti furnitureC32Y412
Tray ø60 Farfalle colour/red
Fornasetti furnitureC32Y500
Tray ø60 Civette colour/black
Fornasetti furnitureC32Y502
Tray ø60 Civette colour/white
Fornasetti furnitureC32Y600
Tray ø60 Lux Gstaad green-ponpon red
Fornasetti furnitureC32Y601
Tray ø60 Lux Gstaad light blue-ponpon yellow
Fornasetti furnitureC32Y603
Tray ø60 Coromandel colour/silver/blue
Fornasetti furnitureC32Y604
Tray ø60 Coromandel colour/silver/carmine red
Fornasetti furnitureC32Y606
Tray ø60 Coromandel light blue/silver/blue
Fornasetti furnitureC32Y700
Tray ø60 Marianne colour
Fornasetti furnitureC32Z010
Tray ø60 Polipo gold/red
Fornasetti furnitureC32Z033
Tray ø60 Emisfero Occidentale gold/black
Fornasetti furnitureC32Z037
Tray ø60 Sole Sole Raggiante gold/sponged light blue
Fornasetti furnitureC32Z038
Tray ø60 Sole Raggiante gold/ivory
Fornasetti furnitureC32Z039
Tray ø60 Sole Raggiante gold/red
Fornasetti furnitureC32Z043
Tray ø60 Zodiaco gold/sponged ivory
Fornasetti furnitureC32Z101
Tray ø60 Madrepora gold/malachite green
Fornasetti furnitureC32Z103
Tray ø60 Madrepora silver/black
Fornasetti furnitureC32Z104
Tray ø60 Madrepora gold/red
Fornasetti furnitureC32Z105
Tay ø60 Madrepora gold/sponged light blue
Fornasetti furnitureC32Z195
Tray ø60 Re Sole gold/white
Fornasetti furnitureC32Z196
Tray ø60 Re Sole gold/black
Fornasetti furnitureC32Z197
Tray ø60 Re Sole gold/red
Fornasetti furnitureC32Z202
Tray ø60 Polipo gold/black
Fornasetti furnitureM03X422
Cube with drawer Architettura black/white
Fornasetti furnitureM08X419
Cabinet Architettura white/black
Fornasetti furnitureM09X135
Curved cabinet Palazzo black/white
Fornasetti furnitureM11X214
Curved chest of drawers Palladiana black/white
Fornasetti furnitureM11X416
Curved chest of drawers Architettura black/white
Fornasetti furnitureM11X494
Curved chest of drawers Palladiana ivory/black
Fornasetti furnitureM11Y001
Curved chest of drawers Pompeiana ochre tones
Fornasetti furnitureM11Y014
Curved chest of drawers Farfalle colour/white
Fornasetti furnitureM11Y097
Curved chest of drawers Leopardo colour
Fornasetti furnitureM11Y100-N
Curved chest of drawers Scimmie grey shades - chromed details
Fornasetti furnitureM11Y215
Curved chest of drawers Fiori nella Notte colour
Fornasetti furnitureM11Z003
Curved chest of drawers Grand Coromandel gold/dripped bordeaux
Fornasetti furnitureM33X004
Trumeau Architettura black/white
Fornasetti furnitureM34X596
Trumeau Architettura curved top ivory/black
Fornasetti furnitureM42X419
Raised sideboard Architettura white/black iron black base
Fornasetti furnitureM43X417
Small sideboard rectangular base Architettura black/white
Fornasetti furnitureM44X419
Raised small sideboard Architettura black/white
Fornasetti furnitureM45X417
Small sideboard brass feet Architettura black/white
Fornasetti furnitureM48X417L
Night stand Architettura black/white - door knob on the left
Fornasetti furnitureM48X417R
Night stand Architettura black/white - door knob on the right
Fornasetti furnitureM49X417
Corner cabinet Architettura black/white
Fornasetti furnitureM49Y417
Corner cabinet Architettura celeste
Fornasetti furnitureM51X417
Consolle Architettura black/white
Fornasetti furniturePAR001
Cylindrical pleated lampshade white
Fornasetti furniturePAR002
Conical pleated lampshade white
Fornasetti furniturePAR006
Cylindrical pleated lampshade yellow
Fornasetti furniturePAR008
Cylindrical pleated lampshade red
Fornasetti furniturePAR009
Conical pleated lampshade red
Fornasetti furniturePAR010
Cylindrical pleated lampshade black
Fornasetti furniturePAR011
Cylindrical pleated lampshade black/yellow
Fornasetti furniturePAR013
Conical pleated lampshade black
Fornasetti furnitureC01N017
Cylindrical lamp base Polipo chromed/colour
Fornasetti furnitureC01N102
Cylindrical lamp base green Malachite - chromed details
Fornasetti furnitureC01X005
Cylindrical lamp base Casa con Colonne black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC01X193
Cylindrical lamp base Viso black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC01X212
Cylindrical lamp base Gerusalemme black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC01X419
Cylindrical lamp base Architettura black/white
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y001
Cylindrical lamp base Pompeiana ochre tones
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y008
Cylindrical lamp base Ultime Notizie colour
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y011
Cylindrical lamp base Città di Carte colour
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y012
Cylindrical lamp base Carabinieri colour
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y014
Cylindrical lamp base Farfalle colour/white
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y015
Cylindrical lamp base Libri colour
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y016
Cylindrical lamp base Palloni colour/white
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y017
Cylindrical lamp base Polipo colour
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y102
Cylindrical lamp base green Malachite
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y105
Cylindrical lamp base Losanghe red/black
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y213
Cylindrical lamp base Gerusalemme di Notte colour
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y379
Cylindrical lamp base Cravattini colour
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y410
Cylindrical lamp base Farfalle colour/black
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y470
Cylindrical lamp base Agata colour
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y480
Cylindrical lamp base Farfalle colour/ivory
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y491
Cylindrical lamp base Palloni colour/black
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y500
Cylindrical lamp base Civette colour/black
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y501
Cylindrical lamp base Civette black/white/sponged yellow
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y603
Cylindrical lamp base Coromandel colour/silver/blue
Fornasetti furnitureC01Y606
Cylindrical lamp base Coromandel light blue/silver/blue
Fornasetti furnitureC01Z013
Cylindrical lamp base Cammei gold/sponged green
Fornasetti furnitureC01Z032
Cylindrical lamp base Emisfero Occidentale gold/red
Fornasetti furnitureC01Z300
Cylindrical lamp base Cammei gold/black
Fornasetti furnitureC01Z385
Cylindrical lamp base Cammei gold/red
Fornasetti furnitureC01Z388
Cylindrical lamp base Emisfero Occidentale gold/ivory
Fornasetti furnitureC02X419
Floor lamp Architettura black/white - chromed details
Fornasetti furnitureC03X419
Square lamp base Architettura black/white
Fornasetti Lamp baseFornasetti Lamp base Fornasetti Lamp base Fornasetti Lamp baseFornasetti Lamp base
Fornasetti Lamp base Fornasetti Lamp baseFornasetti Lamp base
Fornasetti Lamp base Fornasetti Lamp base Fornasetti Lamp base Fornasetti Lamp base
Fornasetti Lamp base Fornasetti Lamp base
Fornasetti Lamp base Fornasetti Lamp base
Fornasetti Fornasetti Fornasetti Fornasetti Fornasetti
Fornasetti Fornasetti
Fornasetti Fornasetti Fornasetti Fornasetti Fornasetti Fornasetti
Fornasetti Fornasetti
Fornasetti Fornasetti Fornasetti